Amazing Sheets!
I had terrible varicose veins starting at about age 25. When I was about 34 years old I had my deep veins injected by Vein Clinics and it was so awesome because the deep veins caused all the pain. However, I still had horrible spider veins so I then went back and had them injected in 40 minute sessions. I did that at least 18 times because you just keep getting more and more of them as you age. At about age 45, I finally got to a place where I loved my legs again and could wear shorts and short skirts. That is when I decided I should try the grounding sheets! Once I got my grounding sheets about 8 years ago, I'm 53 now, THE SPIDER VEINS ENDED ALMOST ENTIRELY and I KNOW IT'S ONLY FROM THE GROUNDING SHEETS! I WOULD NEVER EVER CONSIDER BEING WITHOUT THEM! THEY ARE THE BEST!!!