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Kristin K.

Cured my daily headaches

I have been suffering from chronic headaches/migraines for two years. I’ve tried everything from acupuncture to CBD oil and nothing has worked. Two days of using my grounding mat and I have been headache free for a month. If I start to feel a headache coming on I put my feet on my mat and immediately feel relief. I am so grateful to have found this discovery. I have been telling everyone I know to do more research about earthing. It truly is a miracle.
Wilma K.

We are liking the sheet,

We are liking the sheet, too soon to know is it is making any difference in our health. Looking forward to next dr. Visit to see if there is any changes in our health states.
Josh S.

Amazing !!!

I stop snoring the first night and I haven’t snored since we’ve had it for three months, I can feel a difference in how I sleep at deep I sleep and how refreshed I feel when I wake up in the morning my joints don’t hurt anymore and I could be wrong but I feel like my skin and my digestion has changed and speed at it . I have recommended your products to everyone I know This earthing stuff is great!!
Andrew D.

Amazing Product with Real Benefits!

We received our grounding/earthing bed sheet from www.earthing.com (we have no financial interest in any products)! As a family, we have seen rapid healing of wounds, healing of eczema, better sleep, less pain, and much more! For those who don't know about "grounding" for better health, less inflammation, lower damage from diabetes and more, here is a peer-reviewed paper on "The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/ The full Grounded documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8b_lg2z8Nc One can order earthing/grounding setups here: https://www.earthing.com/ I have tested the principals in the paper and documentary above. Looking at the medical literature and research papers, I think we're seeing something similar to Vit. C deficiency resulting in dysfunctional collagen and scurvy. In the case of electron deficiency due to minimal or no skin-to-earth contact, we're seeing a dysfunctional immune system leading to poorly controlled inflammatory responses. When we control inflammation, we also see improvement in many diseases as inflammation is a common pathophysiological mechanism. Additionally, EMFs are high in some homes. EMFs generate positive AC volts in our bodies, damaging cells and worsening/causing chronic inflammatory disorders and even cancer. Grounding reduces the voltage in the body caused by EMF radiation. Earthing/grounding will change the way everyone practices medicine! Andrew Doan, MD, PhD
Ruth B.

Couple of months of use

I've been very happy with my grounding pads. I sleep on it nightly and I've noticed a significant decrease in inflammation and pain in my joints. My kids (age 10 and 12) are sleeping on one too and they tell me that they are sleeping better. We have had thunderstorms a couple of nights and I can tell a difference when I have to unplug. I take it with me when I travel. I will never be without!
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