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Old Store

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Diane C.


I read about this before the new year and tried to start earthing before my kit arrived, that was cold and difficult, since I live in Idaho where it snows. Since getting my starter kit, I've noticed good things, my BP is down and I'm on only 1/2 of my BP meds, and there are so many other positive things happening, but it will take time, something no one seems to want to invest these days.
Lillian M.

Great Product

It has helped my neck which used to bother me a lot I no longer snore at night It has helped my husbands feet & we both sleep better
Sharon U.

Earthing Universal Mat

Wow, what an amazing product!!! I had some soreness on my left side and back. When I slept on this the pain disappeared! I have never slept better than before. I would like to try the other products available, but they must be very popular! I will visit the your site again. Amazing!
Carla L.

Earthing mat

Earthing mat
Frances L.

Just amazing

I started to use an earthing band years ago with much success. Then I became severely ill and was afraid to use it because I remember that it gave me much energy and I was suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks and I just was afraid it would be very stimulating. I recently found a research paper explaining the benefits of earthing in reducing anxiety and I decided to try it again. My Gosh! I cant described all the benefits that I have experienced since! I sleep like a baby again and my anxiety has been reduced so much that I had to reduce my medication from 3 to 4 pills a day to just one pill every 3 or 4 days. Its just amazing how much earthing has helped my anxiety. Thanks so much for creating this amazing product!
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