Meet the new feature

by & Yotpo

Products featured on are seen by tens of thousands of visitors daily. Thanks to our recent partnership with Yotpo, sites that use Yotpo to generate reviews for their products can become featured on

How can Yotpo help my store?

Yotpo helps stores generate dramatically more reviews for their products, and share them across social networks to drive new traffic and increase sales. Installation is free and easy, and every review generated through Yotpo can be featured here on

More Reviews

Yotpo’s Mail After Purchase emails turn more shoppers into reviewers than any other reviews solution. Find out more!

Social Sharing


Yotpo makes it easy to share reviews on social networks, in order to drive traffic and increase sales. Visitors who come through social networks are 120% more likely to become shoppers than those who come through other channels.

Increase Sales

More than 10k stores have increased sales by using Yotpo to generate and share reviews!

What people are saying

“Within days, we had hundreds of reviews and thousands of dollars in new sales, directly tied to the efforts of Yotpo.”

Joel, Rockin' Wellness

“Yotpo has literally automated our word of mouth marketing. Oh, and it’s FREE!”

Ryan, Turtlebacks

“Yotpo's integration with Facebook and Twitter provides massive potential for word-of-mouth marketing.”

Ryan, The Loop Loft

“Yotpo is fantastic. Reviews exponentially increase trust in new customers and Yotpo delivers!”
